
  1. XIAOMING DUAN, LINJUN LI, XINSHENG GUO, YU DING, BAOQUAN YAO, LIHE ZHENG, LIANGBI SU, AND YUEZHU WANG, Wavelength-locked continuous-wave and Q-switched Ho:CaF2 laser at 2100.5 nm, Optics EXPRESS, 2018, 26(21): 26916-26924
  2. JINGXIN DING, WEIZHAO JIN, QINGMIN CHEN, CHUNHE HOU, YANG YU, LIANGBI SU, CHUN LI, FANMING ZENG, AND ANHUA WU, Optical properties, magnetooptical properties and terahertz time-domain spectrum of Tb3Sc2Al3O12 crystals grown by optical floating zone methods, Optical Materials EXPRESS, 2018, 8(9): 2880-2886
  3. ZHEN ZHANG, XINSHENG GUO, JINGYA WANG, CHENG ZHANG, JIE LIU AND LIANGBI SU, High-efficiency 2 μm continuous-wave laser in laser diode-pumped Tm3+, La3+: CaF2 single crystal, Optics Letters, 2018, 43(17): 4300-4303
  4. X M Duan, X S Guo, B Q Yao, L H Zheng and L B Su, Efficient Ho:CaF2 laser intracavity-pumped by a Tm:LuAG laser in-band pumped at 1.6 μm, Laser Physics Letters, 2018, 15(09802): 1-5
  5. Xinyang Liu , Kejian Yang , Shengzhi Zhao , Ming Li, Wenchao Qiao, Tao Li , Shuaiyi Zhang ,Lihe Zheng, Liangbi Su, Jun Xu, and Jintian Bian, High Repetition Rate All-Solid-State Pulsed 2 μm Laser Based on Selenide Molybdenum Saturable Absorber, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 2018, 24(5): 1600306
  6. 逄思远, 钱小波, 吴庆辉, , 徐家跃, 苏良碧, Sc掺杂Nd:CaF2 激光晶体的结构及其光谱性能参数, 无机材料学报, 2018, 33(8): 873-876
  7. Guoqiang Yi, Weiwei Li, Jinghong Song, Bingchu Mei, Zhiwei Zhou, Liangbi Su, Structural, spectroscopic and thermal properties of hot-pressed Nd:(Ca0.94Gd0.06)F2.06 transparent ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38: 3240-3245
  8. QIANQIAN HAO, SIYUAN PANG,JIE LIU, AND LIANGBI SU, Tunable and passively Q-switched laser operation of Nd,Lu:CaF2 disordered crystal, Applied Optics,2018, 57(22): 6492-6495
  9. JINGJING LIU, HAO HUANG, FENG ZHANG, ZHEN ZHANG, JIE LIU, HAN ZHANG, AND LIANGBI SU, Bismuth nanosheets as a Q-switcher for a mid-infrared erbium-doped SrF2 laser, PHOTONICS Research, 2018, 6(9): 762-767
  10. Zhengting Zou, Lihe Zheng, Juntao Wang, Dapeng Jiang,Shande Liu, Qinglin Sai, Jingya Wang, Hao Hu and Liangbi Su, Crystal growth and photoluminescence spectra properties of (YbxNdySc1-x-y)2SiO5 laser crystal, Laser Physics Letters, 2018, 15 (085703)
  11. ZHENGTING ZOU, YIFENG HE, HAO YU, SIYUAN PANG, YONGJING WU, JIE LIU,AND LIANGBI SU, Photoluminescence property and laser performance in Yb-doped Sr1-xGdxF2+x single crystals, Optical Materials EXPRESS, 2018, 8(7): 1747-1753
  12. Cheng Zhang, Jie Liu ,Xiuwei Fan, Qianqian Peng, Xinsheng Guo, Dapeng Jiang ,Xiaobo Qian , Liangbi Su, Compact passive Q-switching of a diode-pumped Tm,Y:CaF2 laser near 2 μm, Optics and Laser Technology , 2018, 103: 89–92
  13. L. GUO, S. Z. ZHAO, T. LI, K. J. YANG, W. C. QIAO, D. C. LI, G.Q. LI, S. Y. ZHANG, J. T. BIAN, L. H. ZHENG, L. B. SU, AND J. XU, Diode-wing-pumped electro-optically Qswitched 2 μm laser with pulse energy scaling over ten millijoules, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2018, 26(13): 17731-17738
  14. Guoqiang Yi, Weiwei Li,Jinghong Song, Bingchu Mei, Zhiwei Zhou, Liangbi Su, The effect of Gd3+ ions on fabrication and luminescence properties of Nd3+doped (Ca1-xGdx)F2+x transparent ceramics, Materials Research Bulletin , 2018, 102: 304–310
  15. JINGJING LIU, XIAOYUE FENG, XIUWEI FAN, ZHEN ZHANG,BO ZHANG, JIE LIU,AND LIANGBI SU, Efficient continuous-wave and passive Q-switched mode-locked Er3+ : CaF2–SrF2 lasers in the mid-infrared region, Optics Letters, 2018, 43(10): 2418-2421
  16. Xinsheng Guo , Qinghui Wu, Linyang Guo, Fengkai Ma, Fei Tang, Cheng Zhang, Jie Liu, Bingchu Mei , and Liangbi Su, Highly efficient CW laser operation in 4 at. % Tm3+ and 4 at. % Y3+ codoped CaF2 crystals, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2018, 16(5): 051401
  17. Siyuan Pang, Fengkai Ma, Hao Yu, Xiaobo Qian, Dapeng Jiang, Yongjing Wu, Feng Zhang, Jie Liu, Jiayue Xu and Liangbi Su, Highly efficient continuous-wave laser operation of LD-pumped Nd,Gd:CaF2and Nd,Y:CaF2 crystals, Laser Phys. Lett., 2018, 15: 055802
  18. Xinyang Liu, Kejian Yang , Shengzhi Zhao , Jia Zhao, Tao Li , Wenchao Qiao, Guiqiu Li, Dechun Li, Baitao Zhang, Jingliang He, Jintian Bian, Lihe Zheng, Liangbi Su, and Jun Xu, Ferroferric-Oxide Nanoparticle Based Optical Modulator for 2 μm Spectral Region, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 2018, 30(9): 777-780
  19. Yiguang Jiang, Benxue Jiang, Qihua Zhu, Nan Jiang, Pande Zhang, Shuilin Chen,Xu Hu, Ge Zhang, Jintai Fan, Liangbi Su, Jiang Li, Long Zhang, Effects of deformation rate on properties of Nd,Y-codoped CaF2 transparent ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2018, 38: 2404–2409
  20. MINGQI FAN, TAO LI, JIA ZHAO, SHENGZHI ZHAO, GUIQIU LI, KEJIAN YANG, LIANGBI SU, HOUYI MA, AND CHRISTIAN KRANKEL, Continuous wave and ReS2 passively Q-switched Er: SrF2 laser at 3 μm, Optics Letters, 2018, 43(8): 1726-1729
  21. Hao Yu, Xiaobo Qian, Linyang Guo, Dapeng Jiang, Qinghui Wu, Fei Tang, Liangbi Su, Qiangwen Ju, Jingya Wang, Jun Xu, Pr:Ca1-xRxF2tx (R1/4Y or Gd) crystals: Modulated blue, orange and red emission spectra with the proportion of R3+ions, Optical Materials, 2018, 78: 88-93
  22. Jingjing Liu, Cheng Zhang, Yuqian Zu, Xiuwei Fan, Jie Liu,Xinsheng Guo, Xiaobo Qian and Liangbi Su, Efficient continuous-wave, broadly tunable and passive Q-switching lasers based on a Tm3+:CaF2 crystal, Laser Phys. Lett., 2018, 15: 045803
  24. Jiaojiao Shi, Bin Liu, Lihe Zheng, Qingguo Wang, Huili Tang, Junfang Liu, Liangbi Su, Feng Wu, Hengyu Zhao, Nuotian He, Na Li, Qiu Li, Chao Guo, Jun Xu, Kejian Yang, Xiaodong Xu, Witold Ryba-Romanowski, Radoslaw Lisiecki, Piotr Solarz, Optical study of Tm-doped solid solution (Sc0.5Y0.5)2SiO5 crystal, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2018, 487: 83–86
  25. Y. K. LIN, Q. H. WU,S. Z. WANG, A. H. WU, L. B. SU, L. H. ZHENG, J. F. CHEN,Z. P. QIN, G. Q. XIE, X. D. XU, Q. S. SONG, AND Q. H. YANG, Growth and laser properties of Nd3+-doped Bi4Ge3O12 single-crystal fiber, Optics Letters, 2018, 43(6): 1219-1221
  26. Anhua Wua, Xiangyang Zhao, Peiwen Man, Liangbi Su, A.M. Kalashnikova, R.V. Pisarev, Growth, and magnetic study of Sm0.4Er0.6FeO3 single crystal grown by optical floating zone technique, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2018, 486: 169–172
  27. LIANGBI SU, XINSHENG GUO, DAPENG JIANG, QINGHUI WU, ZHIPENG QIN, AND GUOQIANG XIE, Highly-efficient mid-infrared CW laser operation in a lightly-doped 3 at.% Er:SrF2 single crystal, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2018, 26(5): 5558-5563
  28. WENLONG TIAN, JIANGFENG ZHU, YINGNAN PENG, ZHAOHUA WANG, LIHE ZHENG, LIANGBI SU, JUN XU, AND ZHIYI WEI, High power sub 100-fs Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:YSO laser pumped by single-mode fiber laser, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2018, 26(5): 5962-5969
  29. Zhiwei Zhou, Weiwei Li, Jinghong Song, Guoqiang Yi, Bingchu Mei, Liangbi Su, Synthesis and characterization of Nd3+ doped SrF2 nanoparticles prepared by precipitation method, Ceramics International, 2018, 44: 4344–4350
  30. Feng Zhang, Yongjing Wu, Jie Liu, Siyuan Pang, Fengkai Ma, Dapeng Jiang, Qinghui Wu, Liangbi Su, Mode locked Nd3+ and Gd3+ co-doped calcium fluoride crystal laser at dual gain lines, Optics and Laser Technology, 2018, 100: 294–297
  31. Marek Vlk, Václav Kubecek, Michal Jelínek, Fengkai Ma, Dapeng Jiang and Liangbi Su, Passively mode-locked 354–1200 fs and continuous-wave 1044–1081 nm tunable operation of diode-pumped Nd,La:SrF2 laser, Laser Phys. Lett, 2018, 15: 035003
  32. Yongjing Wu, Siyuan Pang, Yuqian Zu,Qianqian Peng, Jimin Yang, Jie Liu,and Liangbi Su, Silver nanorods absorber for passively Q-switched Nd,Gd:CaF2 laser, CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS, 2018, 16(2): 020015
  33. Xiaoyu Xie, Bingchu Mei, Jinghong Song, Weiwei Li, Liangbi Su, Fabrication and spectral properties of Nd, La: CaF2 transparent ceramics, Optical Materials, 2018, 76: 111-116
  34. Ling Liu, Jinghong Song, Weiwei Li, Bingchu Mei, Liangbi Su, Y. Wang, Effect of sintering temperature on the microstructure and optical properties of Mn: CaF2 transparent ceramics, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 204: 345-349
  35. Pingsheng Yu, Wei Guo, Tianmiao Gao, Liangbi Su, Jun Xu, Spectroscopic properties of Nd-doped Bi2O3-GeO2/SiO2 glasses, Optik, 2018, 162: 102–107
  36. Chun Li, Jie Liu, Zhinan Guo, Han Zhang, Weiwei Ma, Jingya Wang, Xiaodong Xu, Liangbi Su, Black phosphorus saturable absorber for a diode-pumped passively Q-switched Er:CaF2 mid-infrared laser, Optics Communications, 2018, 406: 158–162