辛显双 副研
目前,担任国际开源中文学术期刊《材料科学》及《输配电工程与技术》 ( 美国Hans publishers出版社)编委;《表面技术》(EI收录)评审委员会委员;并担任国家自然科学基金通信评议专家;同时,担任多个国际期刊审稿人,如英国皇家化学学会期刊如Chemical Society Reviews, Chemical Communications, Journal of Materials Chemistry,Energy & Environmental Science, Dalton Transactions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, RSC Advances及Electrochemistry Communications, Journal of Power Sources, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy等;曾担任中国博士后联谊会理事,中国科学院过程工程研究所博士后联络人(班长)。
1. 固体氧化物燃料电池关键部件制备及电堆组装.
2. 无机薄膜及合金耐高温氧化导电涂层制备,及其在新能源领域应用.
3. 无机非金属纳米粉体批量生产及应用.
1. Xianshuang Xin*, Leimin Liu, Yan Liu, Qingshan Zhu. Novel perovskite-spinel composite conductive ceramics for SOFC cathode contact layer. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2018, 43:23036-23040.
2. 辛显双,朱庆山,刘岩. 固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)合金连接体耐高温氧化导电防护涂层. 表面技术. 2019,48(1):22-29.
3. Guoyi Chen, Xianshuang Xin*, Ting Luo, Leimin Liu, Yuchun Zhou, Chun Yuan, Chucheng Lin, Zhongliang Zhan, Shaorong Wang. Mn1.4Co1.4Cu0.2O4 spinel protective coating on ferritic stainless steels for solid oxide fuel cell interconnect applications. Journal of Power Sources. 2015, 278:230-234.
4. Xianshuang Xin*, Shaorong Wang, Jiqin Qian, Chucheng Lin, Tinglian Wen.Development of the spinel powder reduction technique for solid oxide fuel cell interconnect coating. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012, 37:471-476.
5. Xianshuang Xin*, Shaorong Wang, Qingshan Zhu, Yanjie Xu, Tinglian Wen. A high performance nano-structure conductive coating on a Crofer22APU alloy fabricated by a novel spinel powder reduction coating technique. Electrochemistry Communications. 2010, 12:40-43.
6. Xianshuang Xin*, Zhe L , Qingshan Zhu, Xiqiang Huang, Wenhui Su. Fabrication of dense YSZ electrolyte membranes by a modified dry-pressing using nanocrystalline powders. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2007,17:1627-1630.
7. Xianshuang Xin*, Zhe L , Xiqiang Huang, Xueqing Sha, Yaohui Zhang, Wenhui Su. Anode-supported solid oxide fuel cell based on dense electrolyte membranes fabricated by filter-coating. Journal of Power Sources. 2006,159:1158-1161.
8. Xianshuang Xin*, Zhe L , Xiqiang Huang, Xueqing Sha, Yaohui Zhang, Kongfa Chen, Na Ai, Ruibin Zhu, Wenhui Su. Solid oxide fuel cells with dense yttria-stabilized zirconia electrolyte membranes fabricated by dry pressing process. Journal of Power Sources. 2006,160:1221-1224.
9. Xianshuang Xin*, Zhe L , Xiqiang Huang, Xueqing Sha, Yaohui Zhang, Wenhui Su. Influence of synthesis routes on the performance fromweakly agglomerated yttria-stabilized zirconia nanomaterials. Materials Research Bulletin. 2006,41:1319-1329.
10. Xianshuang Xin*, Zhe L , Zhanhui Ding,Xiqiang Huang, Zhiguo Liu,Xueqing Sha, Yaohui Zhang, Wenhui Su. Synthesis and characteristics of nanocrystalline YSZ by homogeneous precipitation and its electrical properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2006,42 (1-2): 69-75.
11. Xianshuang Xin*, Zhe L , Baibin Zhou, Xiqiang Huang, Xueqing Sha, Wenhui Su. Effect of synthesis conditions on the performance of weakly agglomerated nanocrystalline NiO. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007,427:251-255.
12. 辛显双,朱庆山. 固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)电池稳定性分析. 化学进展. 2009,21(1):227-234.
13. 辛显双,周百斌,吕树臣,苏文辉. 掺铕纳米氧化锌的制备及其发光性质. 物理学报. 2005,54(04) :1859-1862.
14. 辛显双,周百斌,杜华,徐学勤,苏文辉. 纳米ZnO的制备及其光学性质的研究. 化学研究与应用. 2005,17(3): 303-306.
15. 辛显双,周百斌,肖芝燕,徐学勤,吕树臣. 纳米氧化锌的研究进展. 化学研究与应用. 2003,15(5):601-606.
16. Yucun Zhou, Xianshuang Xin, Junliang Li, Xiaofeng Ye,Changrong Xia, Shaorong Wang, Zhongliang Zhan. Performance and degradation of metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells with impregnated electrodes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014,39:2279-2285.
17. Chuan Wang, Xianshuang Xin, Yanjie Xu, Jianyin Chen, Le Shao, Juan Zhou,Shaorong Wang, Tinglian Wen,Easy sintering of silver doped lanthanumstrontium manganite current collector for solid oxide fuel cells.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2011, 36:7683-7687.
18. Chuan Wang, Xianshuang Xin, Yanjie Xu, Xiaofeng Ye, Lijun Yu, Shaorong Wang, Tinglian Wen. Performance of a novel La(Sr)MnO3-Pd composite current collector for solid oxide fuel cell cathode.Journal of Power Sources.2011, 196:3841-3845.
19. Linlin Gai, Yan Liu, Xianshuang Xin, Zhou Zeng, Qian Qi, Jian Huang, Xuejian Liu. Promising cermets of TiN-Ni for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell interconnects application.Journal of Power Sources.2017, 359:166-172.
20. Yucun Zhou, Ting Chen, Junliang Li, Chun Yuan, Xianshuang Xin, Guoyi Chen, Guoshuan Miao, Weiting Zhan, Zhongliang Zhan, Shaorong Wang. Long-term stability of metal-supported solid oxide fuel cells employing infiltrated electrodes. Journal of Power Sources.2015, 295:67-73.
21. Tao Wei, Xiaojuan Liu, Chun Yuan, Qingyu Gao, Xianshuang Xin, Shaorong Wang. A modified liquid-phase-assisted sintering mechanism for La0.8Sr0.2Cr1xFexO3ddA high density, redox-stable perovskite interconnect for solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2014,250:152-159.
22. Yadi Liu, Shaorong Wang, Jiqin Qian, Xianshuang Xin, Zhongliang Zhan, Tinglian Wen. A novel catalytic layer material for direct dry methane solid oxide fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2013,38:14053-14059.
23. Kongfa Chen, Zhe L , Na Ai, Xiqiang Huang, Yaohui Zhang, Xianshuang Xin, Ruibin Zhu, Wenhui Su. Development of yttria-stabilized zirconia thin films via slurry spin coating for intermediate-to-low temperature solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2006,160:436-438.
24. Yaohui Zhang, Xiqiang Huang, Zhe L ,Xiaodong Ge,Jiahuan Xu, Xianshuang Xin, Wenhui Su. Effect of starting powder on screen-printed YSZ films used as electrolyte in SOFC. Solid State Ionics. 2006,177:281-287.
25. Bo Wei, Zhe L , Xiqiang Huang, Jipeng Miao, Xueqing Sha, Xianshuang Xin, Wenhui Su. Crystal structure, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity of perovskite oxides BaxSr1-xCo0.8Fe0.2O3- (0.3≤x≤0.7). Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2006,2:2827-2832.
26. Xueqing Sha, Zhe L , Xiqiang Huang, Jipeng Miao, Zhanhui Ding, Xianshuang Xin, Wenhui Su. Study on La and Y co-doped ceria-based electrolyte materials. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007,428:59-64.
27. Xueqing Sha, Zhe L , Xiqiang Huang, Jipeng Miao, Li Jia, Xianshuang Xin, Wenhui Su. Preparation and properties of rare earth co-doped Ce0.8Sm0.2-xYxO1.9 electrolyte materials for SOFC. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2006,424:315-321.
28. Xueqing Sha, Zhe L , Xiqiang Huang, Jipeng Miao, Zhiguo Liu, Xianshuang Xin. Influence of the sintering temperature on electrical property of the Ce0.8Sm0.1Y0.1O1.9 electrolyte. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007,433:274-278.
29. Yaohui Zhang, Xiqiang Huang, Zhe Lu, Zhiguo Liu, Xiaodong Ge, Jiahuan Xu, Xianshuang Xin, Xueqing Sha, Wenhui Su. A screen-printed Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9 film solid oxide fuel cell with Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3- cathode. Journal of Power Sources. 2006,160:1217-1220.
30. Yaohui Zhang, Xiqiang Huang, Zhe Lu, Zhiguo Liu, Xiaodong Ge, Jiahuan Xu, Xianshuang Xin, Xueqing Sha, Wenhui Su.. A novel method for fabrication of Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 electrolyte films. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2006,89:2304-2307.
31. Yaohui Zhang, Xiqiang Huang, Zhe Lu, Zhiguo Liu, Xiaodong Ge, Jiahuan Xu, Xianshuang Xin, Xueqing Sha, Wenhui Su. Ni-Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 anode-supported YSZ electrolyte film and its application in solid oxide fuel cells. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007,428:302-306.
32. Yaohui Zhang, Xiqiang Huang, Zhe Lu, Zhiguo Liu,Xiaodong Ge, Jiahuan Xu, Xianshuang Xin, Xueqing Sha, Wenhui Su. A study on process parameters for yttria-stabilized zirconia electrolyte films prepared by screen-printing. Journal of Power Sources. 2006,160:1065-1073.
33. Na Ai, Zhe L , Kongfa Chen, Xiqiang Huang, Bo Wei, Yaohui Zhang, Shuyan Li, Xianshuang Xin, Xueqing Sha, Wenhui Su. Low temperature solid oxide fuel cells based on Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.9 films fabricated by slurry spin coating. Journal of Power Sources. 2006,159:637-640.
34. Kongfa Chen, Zhe L , Na Ai, Xiqiang Huang, Yaohui Zhang, Xiaodong Ge, Xianshuang Xin, Xiangjun Chen,Wenhui Su. Fabrication and performance of anode-supported YSZ films by slurry spin coating. Solid State Ionics. 2007, 177: 3455-3460.
35. 俞莹,吕树臣,周百斌,辛显双. 纳米晶ZrO2:Er3+-Yb3+的制备及其室温上转换发射. 物理学报. 2006,55(8) :4332-4336.
36. 陶玲,朱庆山,谢朝晖,辛显双,张涛,靳同安. 固体氧化物燃料电池金属连接极涂层材料YCo0.6Mn0.4O3的研究. 过程工程学报. 2007,7(5):1040-1044.
37. 韩达,吴天植,辛显双,王绍荣,占忠亮. 低温固体氧化物燃料电池电解质材料. 中国工程科学. 2013,15(2):66-71.
38. 刘亚迪, 袁 春, 周玉存, 邹 杰, 辛显双, 王绍荣. Ni 浸渍的LST-SSZ 复合阳极及其直接甲烷固体氧化物燃料电池研究. 无机材料学报. 2014,29(11):1121-1126.
1. 辛显双,王绍荣,钱继勤,占忠亮,温廷琏. 包覆结构复合导电陶瓷材料和阴极接触层及其制备方法. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL 201210204052.1.
2. 辛显双,王绍荣,徐延杰,温廷琏. 掺杂Mn-Co尖晶石复合纳米材料及其低温烧结方法. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL 200910196608.5.
3. 辛显双,王绍荣,温廷琏. 尖晶石粉末还原法制备合金耐高温氧化纳米结构导电涂层. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL 200910196607.0.
4. 辛显双,吕喆,苏文辉,沙雪清,黄喜强,陈孔发. 固体氧化物电解质薄膜的滤涂制备方法. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL2005 1 0010419.6.
5. 辛显双,吕喆,苏文辉,黄喜强,沙雪清, 张耀辉,魏波,陈孔发. 制备氧化钇稳定的氧化锆电解质薄膜的方法. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL2005 1 0010469.4.
6. 陈孔发,吕喆,艾娜,黄喜强,张耀辉,辛显双,苏文辉. 一种薄膜的浆料旋涂制备方法. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL2005 1 0010410.5.
7. 葛晓东,黄喜强,吕喆,张耀辉,苏文辉,辛显双,徐加焕,赵莉君,孙薇薇. 一种减小固体氧化物燃料电池电解质膜形变的方法. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL2006 1 0010239.2.
8. 吕喆,刘克艳,苏文辉,贾莉,陈孔发,苗继鹏,黄喜强,辛显双. 一种薄陶瓷膜片的制备方法. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL2005 1 0010305.1.
9. 钱继勤,邵乐,陈有鹏,辛显双,叶晓峰. 阳极支撑管式电池的收电装置及其制备方法和电池堆. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL201310047256.3.
10. 骆婷,占忠亮,王绍荣,辛显双,曾凡蓉. 一种固体氧化物燃料电池阴极集流体的制备方法. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL201410339768.1.
11. 刘雷敏,占忠亮,孟燮,骆婷,辛显双. 一种管式固体氧化物燃料电池阳极支撑体及其制备方法. 授权国家发明专利号:ZL201710254609.5.
12. 刘雷敏,占忠亮,孟燮,骆婷,辛显双. 用于制备管式固体氧化物燃料电池阳极支撑体的管式模具. 授权实用新型专利号:ZL201720407694.x.