The State Key Lab of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure,
Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
中 国 科 学 院 上 海 硅 酸 盐 研 究 所 高 性 能 陶 瓷 和 超 微 结 构 国 家 重 点 实 验 室

周 苗 教授
时间:2023年11月11日(星期六)上午 11:20
地点:嘉定园区 G 楼 3 楼一会议室
联系人:孙宜阳 ( 15618031025)
Recent progress of orbital physics, utilizing the orbital degree of freedom in addition to the charge and spin of electrons, opens up new opportunities to realize richer extraordinary properties. In this presentation, we will present our recent progress on the theoretical design and understanding of low-dimensional topological quantum materials based on lattice structure and orbital composition. In particular, by tight-binding modeling with first-principles calculations, we demonstrate the electronic structures and topological properties of 1D atomic nanolines and 2D triangular lattices with multi-orbitals. The topological phase diagrams are mapped out, and possible topological phase transitions initiated by substrate are predicted. Real material systems are proposed, which fully capture the salient features of tight-binding parameter space, and can be experimentally prepared and characterized by MBE, STM/STS and ARPES.